Hamed Dalir

Associate Research Professor


Office Phone: 202-994-6797

Hamed Dalir is an associate research professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He is also the CTO and co-founder of Optelligence LLC, a deep-tech venture startup focused on photonics computing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Dr. Dalir has received nearly $10 million in investment from private investors and numerous awards from government agencies such as

AFWERX, ARO, NSA, ONR, and NASA through the SBIR and STTR programs. In 2016, Dr. Dalir worked at the University of California, Berkeley as a research associate. Following that, he worked as a senior research scientist at a Texas-based tech start-up, where he secured over $4 million in funding as the Principal Investigator (PI) for multiple SBIR/STTR projects funded by NASA, AFOSR, AFWERX, ARMY, NIST, and Broadcom Inc. For his work, Dr. Dalir has received multiple awards, among them are the Yoshida Foundation Award (YFA) for the Development of Future Leaders for Changing Times, the Young Scientist Award from JSPS (2014) and the AFOSR Research Award (2021). He is a Senior Member of OPTICA and IEEE, as well as a committee/session chair of SPIE. Dr. Dalir is the editor of Photonics (MDPI) and Printed Electronics (Frontiers).

  • PD, University of California - Berkeley, 2016

  • Ph.D., Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2014

  • M.Sc., Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2011

  • 2021 AFOSR Research Award

  • 2020 Community Champion: SPIE 

  • 2018 Senior Member Distinction: OSA, IEEE 

  • 2018 Session Chair and Conference Program Committee (SPIE)  

  • 2015 PD Fellowship, University of California Berkeley (UCB) 

  • 2014 PD Early Research Award from Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI)

  • 2014 Young Scientist Award from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Award 

  • 2012 Golden Award from Global Center of Excellence (GCOE) 

  • 2012 DC-1 Research Award from Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI)

  • 2012 Best Oral Presentation Award, International Nano-optoelectronics Workshops 

  • 2011 Best Poster Presentation Award, 32th International Symposium on Optical  Communications, Japan 

  • 2009 OSA Travel Grant for Overseas Students 

  • 2009 Yoshida Foundation Award for Development of Future Leaders for Changing  Times