Dr. Danmeng Shuai is the principal investigator on two grants he recently received from the Environmental Engineering Program of National Science Foundation.
On the first project, “Bioinspired Catalysts with Earth-Abundant Metals for Reductive Treatment of Waterborne Contaminants,” he will collaborate with researchers at the University of California, Riverside and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee to develop bioinspired catalysts (single atom catalysts) with earth-abundant metals for reducing persistent contaminants in water. The budget for the grant is $110,000.
The second project, titled “Presence, Persistence, and Inactivation of Vesicle-Cloaked Rotavirus or Norovirus Clusters in Water,” has a budget of $220,000. On this project, he will collaborate with researchers at the University of California, Riverside and National Institutes of Health to understand the presence, persistence, and inactivation of vesicle-cloaked virus clusters in water, emerging yet largely unknown waterborne pathogens.