Bridging Innovation and Market: GW Engineering Faculty Receive Tech Maturation Awards

June 22, 2023


William Atkins/GW Today

In the article "Tech Maturation Awards Bring Potentially Transformative GW Inventions Closer to Market," GW Today detailed patent-protected technologies developed by four GW Engineering faculty members who received Technology Maturation Awards (TMA) from GW's Technology Commercialization Office (TCO). The GW Engineering awardees include Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Xitong Liu, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering Zhenyu Li, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering Chung Hyuk Park, and Associate Professor of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering Ekundayo Shittu.

Here is an excerpt from the article: “The award not only provides us with crucial funding support but also acts as a catalyst for our technology's journey toward commercialization,” Liu said. “With this funding, we can further refine and optimize our processes, conduct rigorous testing and overcome any technical challenges that may arise. It allows us to accelerate our research and development efforts, bringing us closer to the goal of making our technology commercially viable. We are excited about the next steps in our journey and remain committed to delivering a sustainable and efficient solution for chemical-free lithium extraction to the market.”

Read the full article on GW Today.